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BMJ Case Reports:11歲兒童的巨大虹膜囊腫
作者:    人氣:3714    時間:2013-5-17 10:27:13


  圖1 裂隙燈顯示腫物占據(jù)半個前房和整個瞳孔區(qū)。

  圖2 眼前節(jié)OCT確診虹膜囊腫。

  Giant iris cyst in an 11-year-old child

  Georgios D Panos,et al.


  患者11歲,由于右眼發(fā)紅、視力模糊3天就診。右眼最佳矯正視力20/60,左眼20/20;右眼眼壓29mmHg ,左眼13mm Hg。裂隙燈檢查顯示前房塊狀物,占據(jù)整個瞳孔區(qū)。沒有葡萄膜炎或其它炎癥表現(xiàn)。眼前節(jié)OCT確診右眼巨大虹膜囊腫,未涉及睫狀體。手術(shù)切除囊腫。在2點(diǎn)位置行1mm角膜切口,使用胰島素針抽吸囊腫內(nèi)容物。1月后隨訪,雙眼視力20/20,眼壓14mmHg。

  An 11-year-old child was admitted to the hospital because of blurred vision and redness for 3 days in his right eye. Best corrected visual acuity was 20/60 right eye (OD) and 20/20 left eye (OS), intraocular pressure was 19 mm Hg OD and 13 mm Hg OS. Slit lamp examination revealed a mass occupying almost half of the anterior chamber and entire pupillary area (figure 1). No uveitis or any other sign of inflammation was present. Anterior segment optical coherence tomography confirmed the diagnosis of a giant iris cyst OD without any involvement of the ciliary body (figure 2). The patient underwent surgical evacuation of the cyst. The procedure was the following: corneal incision of 1 mm was made in the 2 o'clock position (OD) and aspiration of cyst's content with insulin needle was performed. At 1 month postoperatively the visual acuity was 20/20 in both the eyes (OU) and intraocular pressure was 14 mm Hg OU. No uveitis or any inflammation was present.




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